The Women of the 100 is a diverse sector of the 100 Black Men of West Texas. Established in September of 2022, the Women of the 100 live by our mission statement... "Cultivating relationships for meaningful transformation in all young girls and women." Below is just a GLIMPSE into the impact WOT100 had in 2023. We are proud of the work we do and will continue to serve the Lubbock community for many years to come.
Our Impact in 2023
Mentorship sessions hosted in schools across the Lubbock community.
The number of events WOT100 volunteered at in 2023. Including Lubbock Juneteenth Celebration, the End Racism Walk and Habitat for Humanity Blitz Build.
Professional Development opportunities for our members such as Women Evolve and the Global Leadership Conference.
Church services attended in the Lubbock
community with the 100 Black Men of West Texas, known as "100 Day at Church"
Sisterhood events to fellowship, support and uplift one another.